The Dr. John F. McEwan Award
"Do What’s Best for Kids"
John Rozen was named the 2024 Dr. McEwan Award Recipient.
Mr. Rozen is the Science Curriculum Coordinator and Science Teacher for the Whitman-Hanson Regional High School.

Click here for the 2024-25 SY Application Form to submit your nomination by May 2, 2025
Dr. John F. McEwan
Dr. John F. McEwan was privileged to serve as the Superintendent of Schools for the Whitman-Hanson Regional School District from September 2001 through July 2009. Under his visionary leadership, the state-of-the-art Whitman-Hanson Regional High School was designed and constructed and the students' standards of performance and achievement in all levels of academics, athletics and the performing arts were raised. These results were achieved through a collaborative effort with the communities of Whitman and Hanson and the district's administrative leadership teams, department leaders and staff members of the professional, paraprofessional and support staff functions, including building and grounds maintenance and school food service.
Throughout his 41-year career as an educator, Dr. McEwan dedicated himself to making a difference in the lives of kids. John was a teacher first and foremost. He strived to achieve high standards of excellence in the performance of his own duties and motivated others, by his example, to do the same. His advice to the staff was to "Lead, follow or get out of the way (of progress)."
Dr. McEwan believed that a school was not a building but a community of support that maximized learning. He respected, valued and recognized all staff members who distinguished their service by making extraordinary efforts of efficiency, effectiveness or excellence to create an improved program or environment in which one student or all students could achieve their full potential. He highly regarded those staff members who would “do what is best for kids” in carrying out their respective duties without expectation of additional financial compensation or promotion.
As a tribute to the spirit and legacy that John McEwan left to the Whitman-Hanson Regional School District, the Dr. John F. McEwan Do What is Best for Kids’ Award will be presented annually to recognize a member of the staff or a team, employed by the district, who has “demonstrated extraordinary vision, creativity, competence and execution of his or her job responsibilities.” This demonstration of performance will create a new standard of excellence that positively impacts or benefits the students of the Whitman-Hanson Regional School District. Since the award’s inception, the nomination process has helped create an affirmative district-wide climate and culture, that gives an opportunity for staff to observe and recognize people who exhibit excellence in carrying out their everyday duties; especially those who may be among the unsung, everyday heroes who make a difference in students’ lives.
In addition to having an engraved nameplate displayed in the vestibule of the Dr. John F. McEwan Performing Arts Center, the recipient(s) may choose to use the annual monetary award toward classes or professional development opportunities that will benefit the recognized individual’s personal commitment to life-long learning or toward a department program within the school approved by the Superintendent. Nomination for consideration must be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools May 1 of each year. Anyone in the Whitman-Hanson Regional School Community may submit a nomination to the Review Committee. The recipient of the award will be announced and recognized at the end of the school year.